So, today marks the start of Pre-Finals Week or "Dead Week" at UNT. Full of review days in math and spanish, etc. and catching up on material in each class and sticking heads in textbooks before next week... however, I'm here eating Crunch 'n Munch and listening to music! But don't get me wrong, I did have a busy day!
Journalism was the same old boring lecture; in Algebra I received my test back and was extremely angry to see that I missed 8 pts. because of an EXTREMELY careless mistake that I will never again make in my life (yeah, that's a lie). In Spanish we did simple review, although I really do enjoy that class so it wasn't a complete disappoint. And I attended my LAST class of Comm. 1010! Whoo hoo! We received our grades back and I ain't takin' no optional final, so there! And work went very well tonight, too. I got to talk to Sandra about the wonderful book Little Children by Tom Perrotta (P.S. The DVD, starring Oscar-nominated Kate Winslet, is released tomorrow.) so that was lots of fun! And I made $225 in pledges for the School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, surpassing our goal of $4,000, and raised $25 for the College of Business Administration, surpassing our goal of $25,000, so all of you SMHM and COBA students should go apply for scholarships; that's where a lot of that money comes from! Me (and my co-workers of course)! I also had a very fun conversation with an elderly woman who kept calling me "Chris" when I repeatedly said "Taylor," but she was funny.
And that's my Monday in a nutshell. I'm not sure if I have any big news to declare.. oh! The Map the Music trailer was finally released today, and I have to say, it looks amazing!! Keep in mind, if you do view it (linkage to the right), that these two lovely ladies put this whole thing together from the change in their pockets and couch cushions.! They're doing an amazing job with the help of many people (such as the loverly Tiff, and many donors from people like you and me) and breaking their backs every day to get this accomplished. So much props to them!
And of course, I received a Finals Package from my dear mama today, full of many goodies: Gummy Bears, Jolly Ranchers, Laffy Taffy, Twizzlers, Apple Jacks, and much more (including toys.. every college student needs silly putty for finals, right?)!
And now I'm off to your somewhat unsafe and somewhat Hepatitis-infected $ack and $ave.. unless the rain catches me first... but now I may just be too lazy and comfortable here.