This'll be a quick post. Took my racquetball final this morning... extremely easy considering it was 20 questions and the exact same format as the review. I highly recommend - if any of you reading this need an extra 1.0 credit for transfer or just college credit in general - to take a sports course like racquetball or something.
History was crap - we had to cram everything in so I hardly learned anything, so I'll be shoving my face in the book soon!
Work was nice; a little different. I usually work Wednesdays but I worked tonight and there were only about 10 of us so it was very laid back, and we got out 30 minutes early which is always nice!
P.S. The picture is a doodle I did as I was waiting to go to history in the Union... finals week = no fun!
**Please ignore the obnoxious (but funny) comments from my brother.
u r so wIeRd!!!
omg lol jk brb ttyl!
wtf how'd it know my name?
oh it's through google. nevermind.
hope you like comments!
I love your doodle (and duckie). I will have to post a doodle for tomorrow's blog!!
I can't believe you had a final in raquet ball. How lame is that? I also can't believe it as a written test!!
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