Did I mention how good Disturbia was? Cara and I saw it the other day and I really did like it. I thought the beginning dragged on a bit, but I was never truly bored by the film and I really thought the performances were really good. Not fantastic, but I was really impressed by Shia because I really am not a fan. I really enjoyed it though! I nice little teenage flick that is actually good is a pleasant thing to encounter.
And good news! I called UNT on Friday and it turns out they sent my Official Transcript on Thursday! For once they actually did something correctly! I guess when you're trying to leave they really treat you right. Go figure!
And now I'm sitting here watching my beloved Angels in America. Tomorrow: visit my grandmama for her birfday, and apply to a few places (or maybe save that for Monday) and hopefully go to Main Event with Cara and some peeps! I will miss my Cara - she's leaving for "boot camp" on Tuesday and I won't see her until God knows when! But I'm sure she'll do well - tomorrow will be my last day to see her before she leaves. :( But if that doesn't go through, then I'll be watching my Desperate Housewives season finale! Hooray Housewives! It has, of course, lacked its greatness compared to first season, but Season Three has been much better than Two.
And now I leave you with words from my loverly Harper Pitt: "People are like planets; you need a thick skin. Joe stays away and now, well, look my dreams are talking back to me.."
1 comment:
why don't you just marry harper if you love her so much!
I liked her antartica outfit.
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